Trym Ivar Bergsmo (1962 - 2024) said this about himself:
I was born here, in the North.
Mountains, forests, shorelines, the distinct seasons, the wind, the light…
Throughout my childhood and youth I was submerged in these elements.
I was surrounded, formed and shaped by the energy from the arctic landscape.
I’ve seen many landscapes since then. Glaciers, deserts, other mountains, warmer winds and softer light. They are all a part of my inner landscape and I need them.
But it’s here, in the North that I find myself, feel at home.
For more than 30 years I have photographed this environment in different ways and with different approaches, having tried to share glimpses of these quiet, intense, untouched and serene landscapes.
If you like to experience and learn more about photography in these Arctic surroundings; sign up for the Newsletter, read more about my workshops, see the latest news or get in touch!